Sean Lost

200 Pounds

“As I was sitting around 330 pounds, my wife and I decided we both needed to do something about our weight. While researching our options, we found Dr. Billing and Transform Weight Loss. We felt so comfortable with them and the options made so much sense, we both had the procedure!”

Sean's Story

Sean’s life wasn’t easy and he dealt with a lot of life’s problems by eating. And eating. After he reached a high of 450 pounds, he made a serious effort at working out and watching what he ate. He lost some of those pounds, but not long afterwards, they slowly started to return. That’s when he reached out to Transform Weight Loss for a longtime solution, for him, his wife and his daughter.

Ready to see how we can help?

Schedule a consultation to speak with our care team to learn more.


Lost 85 Pounds


Lost 70 Pounds


Lost 200 Pounds