two people stretching on a boardwalk


What's the right solution for me?

Schedule a consultation with our care team to hear about all of the possibilities.

Losing weight is a process that’s unique to each person. That’s why the team at Transform Weight Loss use biometrics as part of our analysis when we customize your weight loss program.

In addition to physical characteristics, the screening gives the team insight into behavioral factors, too. With assessment in hand, our caring team will help single out risk factors and helps you partner with your doctor to put preventive measures in place.

Dexa: A Dexa scan is considered the Gold Standard in body composition testing. Typically used to measure bone density this X-ray machine uses low dose X-rays to measure the density of your whole body. Most other methods of body composition testing just give you a body fat percentage number and are notoriously inaccurate. The Dexa will break down each body part as well as measure your visceral fat giving you a wealth of information for your health care provider to use in creating your customized care plan.

The REEVUE measures the oxygen that the body consumes. Using this measurement it calculates a patient’s Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), commonly referred to as a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Transform’s health care professionals can screen for abnormally low metabolic rates and pinpoint the precise caloric intake required for weight loss, maintenance, or weight gain.

Weight Loss Solutions

Learn more about our weight loss solutions or schedule a consultation and let us put together the right plan for you.

Weight Loss

Our Transform At Home program is customized for you, plus you get access to the medical, nutritional and coaching expertise of our Transform Team!

Weight Loss

We’ll discuss the spectrum of sustainable solutions to determine which one is right for you, including medical procedures that allow you to finally gain control of your weight.

Weight Loss

Being overweight can be a symptom of metabolic disease that requires medical treatment. Dr. Billing is a pioneer in bariatric procedures with 20 years of experience and is recognized both nationally and internationally. Plus, current state policy prohibits elective surgeries at hospitals, but accredited surgical centers are allowed to continue providing our life-changing procedures.

Meet Dr. Billing and the Care Team

Our Medical, Nutritional and Coaching teams are excited to help you begin your Transformation.

Visit Us

We look forward to sitting down with you and explaining all of your weight loss alternatives. At Transform, we create a customized medically supervised program that delivers results.

The Transform team can explain all of your weight loss options and then, help you select the one that’s right for you.

Take the first step towards your journey today!