Also referred to as a sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery involves removing a large portion of your stomach. In most cases, between 70-80% of your stomach is taken out completely. Using minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical techniques, our health care provider reshapes the remaining portion into a tube or sleeve. The procedure has multiple beneficial effects that promote significant weight loss and improvement of obesity related health problems.

Also referred to as a sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery involves removing a large portion of your stomach. In most cases, between 70-80% of your stomach is taken out completely. Using minimally invasive laparoscopic surgical techniques, your surgeon reshapes the remaining portion into a tube or “sleeve”. The procedure has multiple beneficial effects promoting weight loss:
- Limits the amount of food that can be consumed with one meal.
- Reduces hunger cravings allowing you to feel full after a small meal.
- Reduces the hormonal and metabolic signals from body that promote fat storage and weight gain.
- In type 2 diabetic patients, a sleeve gastrectomy can also be very beneficial to reduce insulin resistance and help achieve better glucose control.
These combined effects create a powerful tool for patients to achieve significant and sustained weight loss and overall health and wellbeing.
Traditionally, and according to NIH (National Institute of Health) guidelines, patients with the following conditions are potential candidates for gastric sleeve or other weight loss surgery procedures.
- Obesity with BMI (Body Mass Index) over 40
- Obesity with BMI over 35 and related health conditions
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Osteoarthritis of the lower joints and spine
A gastric sleeve may also be appropriate for those patients with a BMI below 35 who have obesity related health problems, or have been unsuccessful with diet, exercise, and/or medical weight loss programs.
On the day of the procedure the patient is admitted to a qualified surgery center. Your surgeon and anesthesia provider will meet with you and your family/support person prior to procedure to make sure you’re ready for surgery and all your questions are answered.
The procedure takes approximately one hour to perform. After you are awake you will be monitored for a period of time and allowed to go home the same day or possibly have you monitored in the hospital overnight and allowed to go home the following day.
Patients will usually require a week at home to recover from the procedure. Our team will follow you closely to assure you’re recovering well and provide comprehensive support you as begin your weight loss journey.
Because the procedure is not open surgery, your recovery time is shorter. The team at Transform Weight Loss recommends about a week at home to recover from the procedure.
Our team is passionate about education and spends time with you before and after the surgery to make sure you know what to expect and that you’re adjusting well to the drastically reduced volume of food. He periodically monitors your vitamin and mineral levels to ensure you aren’t low or depleted.